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What is an accumulation schematic?

This is a common accumulation schematic and it offers a great visual cue to analysing any potential ranges. Schematics are not meant as exact replicas to the way that the range will play out. Schematics are used to give a loose structure, it is up to you as the chartist to interpret and analyse the price action.

What are schematics for electronic circuits?

Schematics for electronic circuits are prepared by designers using EDA ( electronic design automation) tools called schematic capture tools or schematic entry tools. These tools go beyond simple drawing of devices and connections.

What is a schematic drawing?

A schematic drawing may also be created by an engineer while they are designing the machine so that they can properly understand how the parts work together, and make any necessary changes before building the actual system. Many chemical products are often obtained by performing several different reactions at different steps of the process.

What does accumulation mean in finance?

In finance, accumulation can refer more narrowly to increases in the position size of an asset that is built up over multiple transactions. Accumulation can also refer to the overall addition of positions to a portfolio . In technical analysis, accumulation points to a general increase in buying activity in an asset.

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